PhD Programme in Computer Science and Mathematics

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Prof Keith Bennett, School of Engineering, University of Durham
    "Software evolution and the future for flexible software"Slides n° 1Slides n° 2
28 Giugno 2004

Prof. Erkki Sutinen, Department of Computer Science, University of Joensuu - Finland
    "An introduction to projects at the edtech research group of University of Joensuu, Dept. of Computer Science"Slides
    "Educational Technology as seen from a computer scientist's point of view: from challenges to chances"Slides
31 Maggio 2004, 1 Giugno 2004

Dr. Antonella De Angelis, HCI Lecturer, Department of Computation, UMIST (UK)
    "Progettazione e validazione di questionari"Slides
    "La ricerca sugli utenti in HCI". Slides
19-20 Maggio 2004

Dr. Cecile Paris, Research Leader, ICT Centre, CSIRO (Australia)
    "Task models and UML diagrams: their common semantic grounds". Slides
    "Producing end-user documentation". Slides
11-12 Maggio 2004

Prof. Carlo Ghezzi, Politecnico di Milano
    "Distributed components, middleware, and opportunities for optimization". Slides
16 Aprile 2004

Prof. Lionel Briand, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University
    "Testing Techniques for Object-oriented Software Systems". Slides
8 Aprile 2004

Dr. Barbara Kitchenham,
    "Evidence-Based Software Engineering".Slides
    "Lessons Learnt from 30 years of Cost Estimation".Slides
    "A Generic Risk-Based Software Bidding Model".Slides
    "Five Things I Hate About Empirical Software Engineering".Slides
Marzo 2004

Dr. Frank Maurer, Dept of Computer Science, University of Calgary
    "Agile Software Engineering". Slides
Ottobre 2003

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