PhD Programme in Computer Science and Mathematics

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The PhD Programme starts on Oct 1st, 2020 and includes 2 curricula: Computer Science and Mathematics.


Curriculum 1: Computer Science

 Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SDS)  SDS Name          Selective Evaluation Macro-sector  National University Council Areas
 INF/01  Computer Science  01/B - COMPUTER SCIENCE  01 - Mathematical and Informatics Sciences
 ING-INF/05 Information Processing Systems       09/H - COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING  09 - Industrial and Information Engineering

For Curriculum 1, research topics are in the following areas:

Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cybersecurity, Computer Vision and Applications, Data Bases and Knowledge Bases, Formal Methods of Computer Science, Human-Computer Interaction, Software Engineering, Technology-Enhanced Learning

Curriculum 2: Mathematics

 Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SDS)  SDS Name    Selective Evaluation Macro-sector  National University Council Areas
 MAT/03  Geometry  01/A - MATHEMATICS  01 - Mathematical and Informatics Sciences
 MAT/05  Mathematical Analysis        01/A - MATHEMATICS  01 - Mathematical and Informatics Sciences
 MAT/06  Probability and Mathematical Statistics   01/A - MATHEMATICS  01 - Mathematical and Informatics Sciences
 MAT/08  Numerical Analysis  01/A - MATHEMATICS  01 - Mathematical and Informatics Sciences

For Curriculum 2, research topics are in the following areas:

Geometry, Mathematical Analysis, Mathematics for Finance, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Numerical Calculus and Scientific Calculus

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