PhD Programme in Computer Science and Mathematics

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 The final results are available here


  • Admission exam for all applicants:

The selection will be made following the art. 6 typology B of the call.

The applicants will be evaluated on the basis of: a) the documents presented with the application, b) a research project (written in English, max 1000 words), c) an oral exam in which, among other things, they will discuss a research project presented with the application and that will also include the assessment of the applicant’s knowledge of the English language. For the applicants to the fellowships with theme bound, the oral exam will concern questions about the related research activity. 


  • Admission exam dates and time: 

Qualification and Proposed project: (date of the first meeting of the commission) July 26, 2023 

Oral interview: (date and venue) July 31, 2023 at 9:30 am,   Sala Consiglio on the seventh floor of the Computer Science Department.


Where it is not possible to do it in person, candidates may ask to do it remotely with a motivated request. The motivated letter of request, together with the copy of an identity document, should be sent via email to the coordinator Prof. Francesca Mazzia at  and to not later than July 27, 2023 at 23:59, Italian time. It will be the responsibility of the commission to communicate the methods of connection.

  •  Evaluation Criteria of the oral test for admission to the PhD in Computer Science and Mathematics.

the oral examination will be on  31/07/2023,  9.30 in Sala Consiglio (7° piano - Dipartimento di Informatica) or online.


Oral examination Call for Admittance to Computer Science and Mathematics PhD Programme (only for candidates that asked on time to take the oral examination online)

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  • Results of Oral Examination
    The results of the oral Examination (for only the candidates who obtained a mark greater or equal to 27) are available here.
    The FULL LIST of the oral Examination results are available here.

The final results are available here. See here for further instruction

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