Concorso pubblico, per l'assegnazione di borse di studio finanziate da NextGenerationEU nell’ambito del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) missione 4, componente 2 "dalla ricerca all'impresa" per il Corso di Dottorato in INFORMATICA E MATEMATICA 38° ciclo istituito presso l'Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro - D.R. n. 4203 del 18.11.2022 A.A. 2022/2023
- Final results are available here
- Results of Oral Examination
The results of oral Examinatio are available here
- List of candidates admitted to the oral examination
- ALDULAIMI Abdullah
- ALI Ayesha
- AMSALU Getasew
- BORGIA Natalino
- FAIZ Zeshan
- HASIN Faiza
- IMTIAZ Shehryar
- IQBAL Mansoor
- KHAN Muhammad Zamar
- KHAN Rahman Ullah
- REHMAN Mubashara
- REHMAN Mujeeb Ur
- TANVEER Muhammad
- TEFERA Minyechil Alehegn
- YAQUB Saira
- YOUSAF Nadeem
- ZAHID Usama Muhammad
- ZUBAIR Muhammad Hashir
The oral examination will begin on January 4, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. (Central European Time - Italian time zone GMT+1) in the Sala Consiglio at the Department of Computer Science, Università degli Studi di Bari (7th floor), via E. Orabona 4, 70125 Bari. After the identification of all the candidates, each candidate will be examined in alphabetical order.
Where it is not possible to attend the exam in person, candidates may ask to do it remotely with a motivated request. The motivated letter of request, together with the copy of an identity document, must be sent via email to the Coordinator Prof. Francesca Mazzia at and to not later than January, 2.
It will be the responsibility of the Commission to communicate how to connect and at what time.
The research project will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
Evaluation criteria of the oral test for admission to the PhD in Computer Science and Mathematics.
The oral test will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
The oral examination will begin on January 4, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. (Central European Time - Italian time zone GMT+1) in the Sala Consiglio at the Department of Computer Science, Università degli Studi di Bari (7th floor), via E. Orabona 4, 70125 Bari. After the identification of all the candidates, each candidate will be examined in alphabetical order.
Where it is not possible to attend the exam in person, candidates may ask to do it remotely with a motivated request. The motivated letter of request, together with the copy of an identity document, should be sent via email to the Coordinator Prof. Francesca Mazzia at and to not later than the second day before the examination date. It will be the responsibility of the commission to communicate the methods of connection.
Criteri di Valutazione del progetto di ricerca per l'ammissione al dottorato in Informatica e Matematica.
Il progetto di ricerca sarà valutato in base ai seguenti criteri:
Criteri di Valutazione della prova orale per l'ammissione al dottorato in Informatica e Matematica.
La prova orale sarà valutata in base ai seguenti criteri:
L'esame orale inizierà il 4 gennaio 2023, alle ore 9:30 (ora legale dell'Europa centrale - fuso orario italiano GMT+1) presso la Sala Consiglio del Dipartimento di Informatica dell’Università degli Studi di Bari (VII piano), via E. Orabona 4, 70125 Bari. Dopo l'identificazione di tutti i candidati, si procederà con l'esame di ciascun candidato in ordine alfabetico.
Ove non sia possibile effettuare l’esame in presenza, i candidati possono inviare motivata richiesta di effettuarlo a distanza. La lettera con motivata richiesta, corredata della copia di un documento di riconoscimento del candidato, deve essere inviata al Coordinatore del dottorato, Prof.ssa Francesca Mazzia per e-mail all’indirizzo e a entro e non oltre il secondo giorno precedente l’espletamento della prova.
Sarà cura della commissione comunicare le modalità di connessione.
1. to test the competence of the candidate in a number of areas of either Computer Science or Mathematics
2. to evaluate the attitude and the potential of the candidate in carrying on research.
The oral exam, which includes questions on topics that are part of the courses of the bachelor degree ("laurea triennale" in Italian) in either Computer Science or Mathematics, depending on the interest of the candidate.
For the positions related to fellowships that might be offered by companies on a specific project, the candidate will be also asked questions on topics of the specific project.
The topics of the questions (for graduates at Italian Universities as well as at foreign Universities) can be in the following areas of Mathematics:
• Algebra
• Geometry
• Complementary Mathematics
• Mathematical Analysis
• Probability and Mathematical Statistics
• Mathematical Physics
• Numerical Analysis
as well as on the following areas of Computer Science:
• Theoretical computer science
• Computer architecture and operating systems
• Automata, formal languages and compilers
• Database systems
• Software engineering
• Artificial Intelligence
• Programming languages and paradigms
• Computer networks
• Human-Computer Interaction