PhD Programme in Computer Science and Mathematics

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Second Call for Admission to the XXXVIII cycle  of the three-year PhD Programme: ASSIGNMENT OF PHD SCHOLARSHIPS XXXVIII CYCLE FUNDED BY NEXTGENERATIONEU UNDER THE NATIONAL RECOVERY AND RESILIENCE PLAN(NRRP) MISSION 4, COMPONENT 2 "FROM RESEARCH TO ENTERPRISE" A.Y. 2022/2023,  can be downloaded hereThe deadline for the submissions is December 19th 2022.


The positions available for the PhD programme in Computer Science and Mathematics and the admission procedure (included as Annex 11 in the Call for Admission) can be seen here.


The steps to apply for the PhD programme in Computer Science and Mathematics can be seen here.


The  Italian version of the Call for Admission to the XXXVIII cycle can be downloaded here.



The first  Call for Admission to the XXXVIII cycle of the three-year PhD Programme starting in October 2022 can be downloaded here. The deadline is July 21th 2022.


The positions available for the PhD programme in Computer Science and Mathematics and the admission procedure (included as Annex 12 in the Call for Admission) can be seen here.


The steps to apply for the PhD programme in Computer Science and Mathematics can be seen here.


The original Italian version of the Call for Admission to the XXXVIII cycle can be downloaded here.

The results of the admission to the XXXVII cycle of the PhD Program, whose deadline for application was July 21th 2022, can be downloaded here

The instruction for enrollment to the XXXVIII cycle of the PhD Program,  whose deadline for application was July 21th 2022, can be downloaded here, the procedure is open from 20 to 23 of September 2022.

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